HOMEGROWN HIT – Crissi Cochrane “Can We Go Back”
When we decided to do this local showcase, this was the first artist who came to my mind.
We are so proud to play Crissi Cochrane for the first time on Mix.
On her website, Crissi is described as a combination of “the heart of an East Coast singer-songwriter with the soul of Windsor/Detroit, living an writing just a stone’s throw away from the birthplace of Motown.”
In this interview, she describes the choice to move across the country to fully pursue her music career at a young age and how she came to be a fully rounded artist backed by a 9-piece band with her newest album. She also describes taking “the great pause” of the pandemic to create her latest song, “Can We Go Back”.
And Tori would be remiss not to discuss which albums she would put on her very own record wall…and IS pleasantly surprised with their similarities.
We also hear that she’s been nominated for the 2020 Biz X Artist Of The Year Award…consider voting for her HERE!
Listen here, and catch the world radio premier of Crissi’s brand new song on the Hit List this weekend! We count down the Top 20 from 6-8pm on Saturday and again from 1-3pm on Sunday. You can listen right here on our site too, NO EXCUSES!