HOMEGROWN HIT – Soul Brother Mike “Heaven”
There’s a lot of great local music here in Windsor, and it turns out a lot of it is coming from inside the same house!
This week we feature a new song from our man Soul Brother Mike, one of the co-founders of Soul City Music Co-Op. The other co-founder Chrissi Cochrane is a familiar name to us, as we featured her new single a few weeks ago.
Along with being song-writing partners and musical collaborates they also happen to be… wait for it… … married! (*At the time of this interview this was brand new information to me, but after doing some rigorous fact checking it turns out to be true. FUN FACT: Chrissi actually appears in this new song, sort of. He’ll explain.)
We talk a bit about some of Soul Brother Mike’s other favourite local artists and a little more about what went in to making this incredible new song. Enjoy Heaven. It’s just… … it’s just so damn good.
Thanks for listening, and thanks for supporting local music.
Jay Marchillo