HOMEGROWN HIT – Anthony Pimentel ‘Reasons’
A few things about Anthony Pimentel: He’s a 15-years-old Grade 11 student at Cardinal Carter in Leamington. He records, produces and writes all of his songs. And all he wants for Christmas is a new desk so his recording equipment doesn’t fall on the floor! Anthony says his biggest musical inspiration is his dad Nelson Pimentel, so obviously music is in his blood.
This guy is going places (*at least he will be if his desk doesn’t collapse on him first). Anthony completed his new album Evening during quarantine and it’s available on all platforms. including right here. We’re happy to highlight another great local talent, if you’re lucky you might be able to get him to perform at your wedding next year! (Better book now, his rates will go up once he blows up.)
Anthony’s song Reasons will be featured on The Hit List this weekend, 6-8pm on Saturday and again from 1-3pm on Sunday.
*we also get to hear from his very proud mom, Rose. I promised her no Titanic references but I understand this was Rose’ reaction when she found out her boy is getting some airtime.
**also, not even kidding… Anthony needs a new desk for all of his gear, message me if you have one that you could part with. [email protected]
This is actual footage of his current setup.
Thanks for supporting local music.