Mix Mornings BOOK CLUB: Week 4
Jay’s review #4: I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
To mark Black History Month, I picked up a book that I’ve always meant to read but just never have. It’s one of the best-known autobiographies of all time and it’s the kind of book that, no matter who you are, will change you just a little bit. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou is as beautiful as it is heartbreaking. Tragic and powerful and amazing, I think about it a little bit every day. An easy five stars.
Tori’s review #4: The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
I sort of blindly bought this book when I visited River Bookshop in Amherstburg this summer and asked the person working to pick me something she liked. I took it home, tried getting into it but lost interest kind of quick (it’s a slow starter).
I’M SO GLAD I PICKED IT BACK UP. After about 75 pages, I couldn’t stop reading it. It’s hard to describe, but I think anyone who has had complicated family relationships will be in their feels and just really get it. It spans decades and often jumps back and forth between time periods, but tells a truly heartwarming story of a brother and sister and their enduring relationship. Its artful, heartbreaking, and really really beautiful. Definitely on my top 10 list now.