Local Author Carly Butler Verheyen Talks About Her New Book ‘Life’s Letter’
I talk to local writer, adventurer, and mom Carly Butler Verheyen about her new book. You can find all the info about getting your copy right here, this is some of what Carly says about her book:
It wasn’t until a few years ago, when my mother & I discovered 110 love letters that my grandmother wrote to my grandfather, that I realized a story was brewing inside of me & would someday need to be written. The letters were dated from January to July of 1946. By following both my heart & gut, just as my Grama did her whole life, I took a sabbatical from January to July of 2013 to retrace her steps as a British war bride. It truly was a journey within a journey. I moved to London, England and learned a heck of a lot about myself, my Grama, faith, life & love. The finale to the journey was the incredible transatlantic voyage home on the Queen Mary II, just as she did 67 years earlier on the original.