Jay & Tori – Oct 2 – Weiner Dogs And Buffalo Tongues

By: Jay Marchillo


Mix Mornings with Jay & Tori

(pictured:  Jay and his herd)

Happy Monday, and an especially happy Monday to anyone who makes minimum wage!  Not. So. Minimum.  Anymore.

Think about when you were working a minimum wage gig and your pay increases by 10 cents, or 20 cents, or dare we say 50 cents an hour.   Do you remember what you were making for your first minimum wage job?  Mine was $5.50 an hour back in the mid-nineties, it’s now $16.55.

We also want to say the tiniest of hellos to all the champion Weiner Dogs! The Lakeshore Horse Racing Association hosted the seventh annual Weiner Dog Races at Leamington Raceway and it was two-year-old “Bella” of Windsor took home the top prize.  Congrats to Yvette and Tom Forsythe who entered their mini dachshund for the first time, but really… … everyone who participated is a weiner. 😉

(photo from https://www.instagram.com/leamingtonraceway/)

I also had a run-in with some adorable animals.  We took our kids out to Greenview Park & Zoo and it was awesome!  Lions, Tigers and be… actually, no bears.  But definitely monkeys, kangaroos, and even a buffalo with a surprisingly long tongue.


Have a great Monday, let’s do at least 8% more than the bare minimum today.

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