Jay & Tori’s BANNED Facebook Posts – Sept 11, 2023

By: Jay Marchillo


Mix Mornings with Jay & Tori

First of all, Happy Birthday Tori!  As is tradition Tori will be celebrating her birthday week, an epic event rivalled only by the Beyoncé Birthday Spectacle we were all subjected to last week.  Happy birthday Teyoncé.

Not to steal all of Tori’s thunder but today happens to be a historically important day for anyone who’s the parent of a 3, 4, or 5 year old… it’s the first day of kindergarten!!  My youngest starts this morning which means I’ll be walking into an empty house after work for the first time in over 6 years.  I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Oh, and speaking of school I just wanted to share this monstrosity my OLDEST created in Grade 1.  You be the judge, is it a duck or your worst nightmare?  I’m not sure if we should be calling it a Duckicorn, Dorse or Quackasus.

And of course it wouldn’t be right to not take a moment to reflect on 9/11.  If you get a chance to view Queen Latifa’s anthem from last night’s Giants/Cowboys game.  (and as if if wasn’t a somber enough day for the city of NY, the Giants got kicked 40-0.  Not all that important in the scheme of things but wow.  That is a bad football team)

Have a great Monday.  I’m going to go and count down the minutes until 3:25pm

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