Jay & Tori’s BANNED Facebook Posts – Sept 22, 2023

By: Jay Marchillo


Mix Mornings with Jay & Tori

Today we’re looking for TOFU tips.  The reason?  I’m 96.7% sure I’m a vegetarian now.  I just made the decision this week after reading the book Eating Animals by Jonathan Safron Foer.  To all my carnivores, ranchers, and Meat Math enthusiasts don’t worry… I promise I’m not going to be all preachy.  Eat a burger.  Eat two!!  But I’m out.  (*look for a follow up entry in two weeks entitled ‘Why I love meat again’)

Anyway, here are a few tips for un-terrible tofu:

And talk about some happy Friends With Benefits winner!  Bianca just had the nicest things to say about her pal Schantal.

One more chance to win next week!! Enter here.

Now you can blow all your money on fake belly buttons!  (apparently they’re all the rage.  For the bargain price of $8.94 you too can have a weird, fake belly button that will make your legs look longer.)

Hey, if you win Friend with Benefits you can buy like 100 of these things! (*please don’t)

Enjoy your last day of Hot Dad Summer!  We can’t wait to find out what nonsense fall will bring.

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