Local Mom Mandi Quiring Is Doing Something Amazing For The People Of Ukraine!
Mandy Quiring is a mom on a mission and we hope you can help out a bit this weekend. After seeing the atrocities in Ukraine she decided to do something about it and has already been able to spearhead a drive to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in goods, along with tens of thousands in cash donations!
This is the last week to get GET YOUR TICKET for an amazing event at the Portuguese club in Leamington this Saturday July 9th. All donations going to Ukraine humanitarian aid and all donations up to $100,000 will be matched! Your ticket includes a meal too, just call 519-326-2643 if you need info. Check out some of these Live Auction items:
1. Bed and Breakfast Kingsville heated pool and $500 Elite gift Card
2. Wheelbarrow of Wine
3. Lobortas Classic Jewlery House Pendant $5500 value
4. Wharrams Jewlery Leamington Earrings designed by Jessica Wharram
5. House in Panama for up to 3 Weeks- House Located in Panama on Beach
6. Weekend in Niagara with bed and breakfast wine tour and a convertible for the weekend donated by Lally Ford
7. Ordonez Premium Gourmet Meat Package
8. Original Paintings by Kinga and Pavlo
Plus there are over 70 items up for silent auction, some donations up for grabs include:
1. $70 Gift Basket From Home Instead
2. Kings Bake Shop Cake
3. Mama Bears Cake
4. Sweet Memories Cake
5. Lakeside Bakery Cake
6. Superstore Cake
7. Print Donated By Rita And Wies Wrobel
8. Print Donated By Rita and Wies Wrobel
9. Print By Trisha Romance with Certificate of Authenticity donated by Emily Harrison
10. LLadro Figurine donated by Wharrams Jewlery
11. Annas Flowers Floor Pot
12. Annas Flowers Floor Pot
13. Capogna Flowers
14. Oak Farms Gift Card
15. Watch Me Grow Sign Donated By Mandi Quiring
16. Golf Shirt Donated by Mary DeGoey
17. Ukrainian Eggs Hand Painted 15 total. Each one sells between $50- $100 Jennifer Rischke (to be put separately not all together)
18. Ukrainian Embroidery 1 Lapata Family
19. Ukrainian Embroidery 2 Lapata Family
20. Ukrainian Embroidery 3 Lapata Family
21. Ukrainian Embroidered Dress- Lapata Family
22. Economy Rental Center- Stihl Leaft Blower and Merchandise
23. Caryn Szpuniarski 60-minute Massage
24. Dina Sardina- Pasta Dinner
25. Lionel Rodrigues- Landscaping/ Gardening Service
26. Ashley Azzopardi- 6 Services of Manicures and Pedicures (either separate or 3 services of mani/ pedi)
27. Professional Photo ($100 min bid required) Mythic Landsca[e Jeff Suchak
28. Rosewood Winery- 2 bottles of wine with honey
29. Breydan Quiring- Babysitting service 14 year old
30. Mathis Quiring Bundle of Firewood for bonfire
31. Kinga Chowdry- Painting (maybe Live – pick up June 29
32. Furnace and Air Conditioning Service x4 Doug Walker (gift Certificate to be picked up)
33. Dockside Fisheries $250 Seafood Pack (pick up gift Certificate)
34. Peanut Center Nursery (pick up Thursday)
35. LLadro donated by Lorraine Sabga
36. LLadro donated by Lorraine Sabga
37. Gift Certificate 3 larger or 6 small from Crave Bar and Grill (pick up Thursday)
38. Best Western Hotel- New Years Eve Package (awaiting Gift Certificate)
39. Lap Blanket Quilt – Dana Gignac
40. Quilt and Pillow Ann Horan
41. Railway Brewery- 2 cases of Beer
42. Meleg Orchard- to be determined
43. Laura Lucier 3 Hour Kid Pool Party in Kingsville Salt Water Heated Pool, Slide and Diving Board for 15 kids
44. Romana Roast Beef Dinner for 6 Delivered
45. Romana Pork Roast Dinner for 6 Delivered
46. Mandi Quiring Dinner and Bonfire
47. Kootaooma.com Merchandise $100 value delivered to Leamington 26th
48. Golf Shirt and Bag
49. Burgees Gift Card $25.00 x 2
50. Leaning Post Winery Cheese Platter and Wine Tasting
51. Janet Barracco- Spirits Alcohol Pack
52. Nespresso Machine
53. Joses 4 Gift Cards
54. Main West Rocking Chair
55. Jacqui Suppliers
56. Jacqui 3 Gift Baskets
57. Jacqui Cork HandBag
58. Jacqui Jewlery
59. John Quiring- Coffee with someone who has a sunny disposition
60. Personal Trainer X 5 Sessions
61. Mary Catherine’s Kingsville $50.00 Gift Certificate
62. Bottle of Mezcal (like Tequilla) Donated By Martin
63. Milanas Menswear gift certificate
64. Gabriel’s Home Furniture
Wow!! Thanks again to all who continue to help out, and we’re sending all of our love and support to the people of Ukraine. See you at the Portuguese Club this Saturday!